Posted in ICTs for Youth

ICTs for Youth: Introduction & Project 1 – Coding

ICTs for Youth

This is the first of four posts in which I have tried out some sort of information and communication technology (ICT) that is relevant to youth. I am completing these projects for a class in my graduate program; I have attempted to not only try ICTs that are new to me, but also new ways to present (which often are new ICTs themselves).

Although I have worked with high school-aged youth in very specific settings (such as in the college application process), this is very different from having classroom or library experience. For this reason, I began by asking my older niece and nephew (ages 10 and 11) for suggestions about what types of ICTs they use. In each post, I’ll attempt to explore benefits and challenges associated with each ICT as well as potential programming options for youth using that ICT. Most of my program plans are written with the lens of someone who is more familiar with community-based organizations than anything else, but I think these plans could also be adaptable to a classroom lesson or library program.


Modern communication technology illustration from


The first ICT I tried out was a website designed to teach coding. You can see my reflection on it inĀ this video.